Research interest

Development of first principle methods

  • First-principles method for strongly correlated electron systems
    (Introduction of static and/or dynamic correlation into first principle method)
  • First-principles method for a variety of ordered states
    (Complex magnetic order, Multipole order, Orbital order, Super conducting states, etc.)
  • First-principles method for non-periodic systems (Surface/Interface, Quasicrystal, impurity, etc.)
  • First-principles method beyond the density functional theory
    (Finite temperature, Excited states, Time dependency, etc.)
  • Development of fast and accurate first principle codes with parallel computation techniquer
    (Code development with MPI/Open MP/GPU)

Material physics

  • Investigation of a variety of quantum states
    (Orbital/Multipole ordered states, Relation between crystal field and one electron schemes, Heavy fermion/Valence fluctuation states)
  • Mechanism of phase transitions
    (Metal-insulator transition, Quantum phase transition, Spin/Charge density wave (SDW, CDW), etc.)
  • Calculation of physical quantities with first principle approach
    (Fermi surface effect, Dynamic responce functions, Electric field gradient, Magnetic distribution, etc.)

>> Publications
