====== Transferring files ====== This page explains how to transfer files between your device and supercomputing system using sftp command.\\ It is a part of OpenSSH, so if you have read [[:getting_started:login_to_system|the previous page]], you are not required any additional setup.\\ If you use [[https://winscp.net/|WinSCP]], please see [[.:transfer_file:winscp|How to transfer files using WinSCP]].\\ If you use [[https://filezilla-project.org|FileZilla]], please see [[.:transfer_file:filezilla|How to transfer files using FileZilla]].\\ If you use [[https://cyberduck.io/|Cyberduck]], please see [[.:transfer_file:cyberduck|How to transfer files using Cyberduck]].\\ \\ ===== Transferring files by sftp ===== Let's use sftp and connect to super.sc.imr.tohoku.ac.jp.\\ Open your terminal software ("cmd.exe" on Windows) and run sftp command as follows.\\ \\ $ sftp super.sc.imr.tohoku.ac.jp Enter passphrase for key ‘/home/username/.ssh/keys/id_rsa’: password: Connected to super.sc.imr.tohoku.ac.jp.\\ sftp> \\ If not specified, your home directory on supercomputing system is set as current remote directory.\\ \\ The basic usage of sftp is like below. ^command ^description ^ |ls {directory_name} |shows the contents of remote directory named {directory_name}. | |cd {directory_name} |changes current remote directory to {directory_name}. | |lls {directory_name} |shows the contents of local directory named {directory_name}. | |lcd {directory_name} |changes current local directory to {directory_name}. | |put {file_name} |transfers local file named {file_name} to current remote directory. | |put -r {directory_name} |transfers local directory named {directory_name} on current remote directory. | |get {file_name} |transfers remote file named {file_name} to current local directory. | |get -r {directory_name} |transfers remote directory named {directory_name} on current local directory. | |help |shows usage of sftp command. | |exit |ends the connection. | If you use put or get command, file or directory which has the same name will be overwritten if there exists. \\ Here are some examples.\\ \\ * transfer a file named "test.txt" from local to remote sftp> put test.txt Uploading test.txt to /home/username/test.txt test.txt 100% 16 0.8KB/s 00:00 sftp> \\ * transfer a directory named "test" from remote to local sftp> get -r test Fetching /home/username/test/ to test Retrieving /home/username/test /home/username/test/test1.txt 100% 1855 39.0KB/s 00:00 /home/username/test/test2.txt 100% 354 6.3KB/s 00:00 sftp> \\ In the next page, we finally explain how to run a job on supercomputing system.\\ \\ [[getting_started:login_to_system|<< Logging in to system]] | [[:getting_started|Getting started]] | [[getting_started:submit_job|Running a job on server >>]] ~~NOCACHE~~